Contact Retfærd

Regarding subscriptions

For questions about your subscription, contact

For authors

Submissions should not exceed 15 pages (or 6,700 words) for articles and 5 pages (or 2,200 words) for book reviews, and should be sent to one of the Nordic editors as an email attachment. Two versions of the manuscript are requested: one including author details, and one anonymised version.

Retfaerd only accepts exclusive submissions of manuscripts which have not been published or are pending elsewhere.

We kindly ask all authors to follow our style guide, which can be found here.

Retfærd reserves all rights to publish accepted submissions in electronic version as well on its website, unless otherwise is agreed with the author.

Responsible Nordic editors-in-chief

Lotta Wendel and Niklas Selberg.

Nordic editors

Johan Vorland Wibye (, Førsteamanuensis, Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring, Handelshøyskolen BI, 0442 Oslo, Norge. Tlf: +47 936428118.


Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (, Professor, Institut for samfundsvidenskab og erhverv, Roskilde Universitet, Universitetsvej 1, Postboks 260, 4000 Roskilde.


Lotta Wendel (, Universitetsadjunkt, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle vid Malmö universitet.

Niklas Selberg (, Universitetslektor, Juridiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet.

Daniela Alaattinoglu (, Biträdande professor, University of Turku.

Laura Tammenlehto (, Senior Lecturer, University of Eastern Finland.


The Swedish editorial staff includes:

Erik Björling,

Sari Kouvo,

Amin Parsa,

Ankie Hartzén,

Lotti Ryberg-Welander,

Amin Parsa,

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